By B.K.
Date: 2004 Dec 15
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What Happens After the Attack of Mistletoe

While the mistletoe attacks
My mind does a wicked strip tease
You wrap your tongue tighter
And squeeze me till I can barely breathe
Held tight in your arms
The world rocking us just so
The wind is calling and I want
This moment to be swept in a glow
Of fragrant pine boughs
A lighted antique tree and violins playing
Oh my Darlin you do bring out the romantic
In me and this wine brings out a package
Wrapped in soft silk lace
She has an angelic smile
But check it out (she's had wine)
I'm sure there's probably
A little devil in there someplace
That believes in the power
Of red wine and mistletoe
Or maybe it's just Xmas
And she already (smile) knows
What she'll be giving you
When you reach out and pull the bow
