By Misti
Date: 2005 Feb 14
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Nail it Down

love has come to town
a ghost town, you say
your heart has been bitten into
and chewed by rabid weasels
who were apathetic
to your agony
because really man
who expects weasels to give
a fuck about anything
other than their own
weasel business?
love has come to your ghost town
you are haunted and harried no more
nail it down, I say
nail that bitch down and make it STAY
put love in a $500 wedding cake
put love in debt
take love on a honeymoon to Europe
build a pretty prison house for love
paint love's toenails Blissed Out Berry
before nailing love
to your rosy cross
love will last forever
if you stick to the plan
lose all sense of irony and self
make enough sacrifices
and grind your pearly whites
into so much talcum