By Misti
Date: 2005 Jun 17
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Cherokee Fairy Tale

grew up thinking I had something to
be proud of
Hold Your Head High
You're a Rainwater
You've Got Strong Blood
that was daddy
talking bullshit
but I bought it at the time
blushing, probably

a quarter Cherokee
I was told
which explained my high cheekbones
black hair
and inability to play those reindeer games
at Goddard Junior High
with those silly little Swatch watch wearing
bitches in braces
with the blond perms and parents always away
on vacation

so I bought Cherokee books
tried to learn the Cherokee alphabet
fantasized about visiting North Carolina

now I learn no one in my family
really has a clue
I do a Google on the origins of Rainwater
one site says there are many theories
Rainwater could be Cherokee, true
but Rainwater could also be:

now I want to lie
because I don't really know
I want to tell anyone who asks
that I am Jewish Comanche
so ya better play nice
and respect my deceptively white ass
because you see
I have
my sorrows.