By sassy
Date: 2006 Jan 18
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you turn those brown eyes on me
like I'm supposed to fix things
and make them all better.
I can't put my finger on what's broken.
I don't know if I did something
or if it was you
and you want me to read your mind
so you won't have to tell me.
Things have slipped out of balance
between us,
the scale leans more to one side
than the other
and neither one of us will own up
to being the heavy.
So we sit and wait
holding hands on a park bench
and watching the traffic
so we don't have to look at each other
and we pretend interest in
the people who walk by
so we won't make an accidental confession
or accusation.
If we wait long enough
things will even out again
and we'll look at each other
instead of looking away.