By musicalduck
Date: 2006 Dec 30
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Best Friends?

"Could you marry someone you've known for 7 years?" I wanted to ask you tonight. I've never had such little eye contact from you. I laughed at all your jokes, watched the kids play in the distance, and wondered if I could ever marry you. We are perfect together. In that best friends-know everything about eachother-don't care what we look like kind of way. It's been that long and I still look at you the same despite all the changes you've gone through. Yeah, you've grown and are much taller, but you've also grown up. You've got that seriousness about you, and sometimes I want to shake you and tell you to laugh a little. I miss our little adventures, but something tells me that if I took you back and we did it again it wouldn't be the same. You've lost your youthfulness and you're still so young. And sometimes I can't help but think it's my fault. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to marry you (at least not right now), but it's still fun to daydream that it could happen.