By Laurel Ahlfeld
Date: 2011 Jul 31
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Sleeping Pill Blues

The morning sun slips between my lids
And the slats of my wooden blinds
My first night of sleep in days
Aided by two little blue pills
I can still feel them in me
My head is cloudy
My hands are shakey
But with what
I've felt this way before
Is it the hunger?
I haven't eaten in days
I can't
Only when you're around
When you've been so kind to stay
Does hunger consume me
When you are mine
But not mine
But mine...
I'm confused
I try to shake the clouds away
They're lingering in my brain
Their bottoms are heavy and grey
With rain or tears, I don't know
I try to think clearly
I shouldn't have taken the pills
But I needed so desperately to not be
And yet still to be
Just a break from my mind
A space between the aches
From the confusion
Because I have loved and lost
But never like this before
I have loved you and lost you
But you aren't really lost
Just placed beyond my reach
Where I can see you
And sense you
But cannot have what is mine
It feels wrong to be without you
Because I am still with you
I've heard the words
But I haven't felt them
They are foreign to me
I am still yours
It isn't a decision
It just is
I can't make myself not belong to you
I have since the day we met
And the coldness you drive between us
It melts when we are
Because we are
This is true
I cannot lie to you
I think of the last night
You almost held my hand
Then pulled away
As if it was wrong
The inaction cut me deep
Because everything about this
Had always been
I told you it was okay
So you took my tiny hand in yours
I squeezed you so you knew it was real
But what I wanted to say was
Of course you can hold my hand
Because my hand is no longer my hand
It is yours
It always has been
It has simply been waiting for you to find it
But the words came out as a squeeze
I wonder if you heard them anyway
My hands are still shaking
But the clouds are rolling away
The clarity of the pain is returning
The wrongness of this decision
Made without my consent
I am still yours begins screaming in my blood
I feel the heat of thoughts in my veins
My heart pumping it through my body
Thump-thump I'm-yours thump-thump
Not a minute has gone by
Where being without you feels right
Thump-thump I'm-yours
I can't pretend
Not with you