By B.K.
Date: 2011 Aug 31
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For Rennie RIP

Picture from National Geographic

I loved you Rens! Your head was even harder than mine. You were better than any lost sister we were going to look for together. You were the person I could come to with any question. We could always find the answer and talk for hours about anything and everything. I valued your opinion, you the cool diplomat and I the hothead that wanted to blow everything up with words and emotion. We giggled like school girls you and I. We released tragedy to forgive and move on.. The encouragement was there, mine for you, yours for me. The moment I stopped writing you were there to question and say push on. Love and relationships were great topics. I loved reading anything old or new by you.

I will look for you in every lovely act of nature and miss you always. You, my brave wonderful friend, were the rock I leaned on. Now you are the angel to guide us all.
