By B.K.
Date: 2012 Feb 11
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A Belated Valentine

One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple.”
-Jack Kerouac

Belated Valentine

You dug a deep hole
Planting rose bushes for me
Iris and bamboo and orchids
You kept telling me how easy
That they would be
You taught me about sound
Surrounded me with music and stars
Took me to London to see the Queen
Bought Corgi puppies for me
You taught me how to be bold and carefree
To not be shy and walk up to anybody and just be me
You made me face my fears one at a time
We took almost all of them out of inventory
Just running around New York City
You made sure I had the best camera
And taught me about photography
You developed our black and whites
There's an ass backwards photograph of me
You made sure the restaurants
And our butchers were top notch
Your cherry pies were latticed perfection
You bought me presents at unexpected times
A giant rabbit and gumby and pokey just to be funny
Jewelry and candy and roses
Houses and huskies (we had three)
You bought me the tallest Jeep
And made a real hard clutch driver our of me
You let me drive your Corvette
But it was just too fast for me
Maybe you were too
Lately I see you in my dreams
Why is it that only now I realize how much you loved me
It was your hot dragon temper and it was not at me
But the way the business was going
The way life would just not let you be
I'm sorry we never got the chance to dance or be free
And it's sad that only now do I realize
That through all the tragedy you taught me so much
You know I wish you were still here to see
And read the writing that I told you one day I would do
It's taken me a long time to realize
That you meant a lot more to me than I ever knew
So you there in my dreams
Whose ashes are somewhere between Jersey
New York and the Nashville cherry tree
I wish you were here to meet
Corgi number three and the new me
We think you would still be more than amused

©bk2012 ps Roses are Red
            Violets are blue
             I bet you thought
              I'd forget this one to
"Only those who will risk going to far can possibly find out how far one can go." T.S. Elliot