By Ravenheart
Date: 2012 Sep 26
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The Train

Ah, the train ride. You and I, lulled by the rhythm of the rails. The smell of axle grease and oil. Coffee and sweet rolls in the dining car. Sharing cheesecake. Watching each town roll by. Playful flirting back and forth. Coming closer with each line that was crossed. Anticipation.... I saw your signal, but ignored it. I wasn't ready. I should have turned around when I heard you come up behind me. But, instead, I let you go. You left me at the next station and then denied I ever existed. I knew you were wrestling with which way to go and I stupidly chose it for you. Now I have to live with your decision. I wish I could get back on that train...but you can't make someone love you just because you want it.