By pjrotmm
Date: 2013 Jan 13
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Your Vessel

i touch the clay
as though it were you,
the smooth feel
pliable under my fingertips.
i dip my hands
and wet the clay
tapping my foot
turning the wheel
sliding my fingers
curved so gently
up the profile,
your thigh, waist, then hips.
the clay grows
i cup my hand
and slip it into the vessel
pressing the side from within,
gentle pressing for pleasure.
the clay swells
and rounds in the middle
like a lover in heat.
i lay two fingers
delicately on top
and angle out
to form a lip
perfect for a mouth.
i smooth the clay
with water and sponge
to a glossy complexion
of afternoon sweat.
the tapping stops,
the wheel slows
and i cut the clay away with a wire.
i have another vase
and another memory of you.