By rebelray
Date: 2016 Oct 09
Comment on this Work

The War of Limerence

My inner struggle
Isn't about love losing its spark.
There's no need to 'go back' to how it felt
When you first ignited that flame,
Since it is still fresh, even tingly, and
Ensorcels my spirit with your beauty.

The passion of angels
Deep in my soul, will not...
Shall not... be reined in
By the demons of routine,
Or the absence of your warmth
When I awake.

The battle I wage... is trying to personify
The entirety of my love for you...
To not cry, alone in my dreams,
Because the romance you arouse
Is impossible to display.
And my attempts thus far have been futile.

I vow never to relent in my fight
To prove my worthiness of your heart...
To embody all that you desire...
To capture your fire...
And to conquer the thought
Of life without undying love.

RF 10/09/16 1:37am